In The Mission

Men At Work (Well, Some Are)

Hosing Man

Browsing Man

Thinking Man

Planning Man

photo by mufti

Reclining Man


Local Boy

Sean Hayes did a show tonight at The Independent, across from Mojo. This is the second time I've seen the guy (first time in Oakland in March, I guess) and he is a peculiar artist, from 'round these parts. A voice which you will love or hate, but lyrics which will touch you, no matter. Funny to find him on an Aimee Mann song in Tuira, see this video, learn the song, and see him on stage thousands of miles later.

(Revolution! No photo! A video instead! It won't fucking align="center"!)

It's delicate.

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Victoria movie theater. This place lights up every couple of weeks for two nights or so with some semi-esoteric theme. Then, in the downtime, homeless people park their shopping carts next to the box office and set up camp for the night.

Stick it to The Man!